There is the various trend that I see with test automation on many QA teams. Many tests that all pass. Or some tests that flicker between pass and fail. Or some that fail all the time.
But one of the biggest issues is that they rarely remove any tests. Most of the people fill their house with things they never get rid of.
A team’s automated test suite can be the same, piling up with low-value tests. I call this phenomenon, “Automation Hoarding,” and it can cause many teams’ effort to grind to a halt.
Key Findings
· A third of the companies across the globe use the following procedure for their test automation project: JUnit as a framework, Selenium as a Web driver, Page object model as methodology and Java programming language, which turns it to a definite best practice in functional test automation!
· Test automation recording & playback is utilized among 7% of the companies!
· Above 85% of the companies implement more than a single tool as part of their test automation framework.
· Finally, the all-time favorite is Selenium, rated as the #1 most implemented test automation tool worldwide.
Common Automation Tricks
Depending on the application, there might be various ways to build a page. Let’s consider a simple page creator widget that can be accessed by filling in a title, an overview and initial content in simple text boxes. Entering this information and clicking the Save button will generate a page.
Let's have a look at this example, I will want to not just look at ways to successfully create a page, but also techniques in which a page creation might fail. For example:
· What happens if I build 2 pages with the same title?
· What happens if start a page making process, change my permissions midway, and then try to complete the page creation?
Another challenge is needed fields. In contrast to a profile page, which might have various required fields, a page creator or editor may have far fewer required fields.
Still, for each required field, make sure that an error message is displayed or there is some other way of alerting the user that they cannot proceed until that section is filled in. The more required fields I have, the more tests I have to create to deal with them.
The Most Implemented Approaches For Functional Test Automation
We discovered that many organizations use more than one approach for their automation testing services. Actually, in most cases, 3 different approaches are used in average! This emphasizes that with everything related to functional test automation, there is no particular recipe that suits all cases.
The Most Implemented Test Automation Libraries, Tools and Frameworks
The most popular framework used by companies is: JUnit (18%), and the second choices are: NUnit (5%) and Robot (6%).
In addition, there is a continuing trend from 2016 research: which shows a scale back in the use of commercial tools (from 19% in 2016 to 11% in 2017), as opposed to a growing demand in the open source automation testing services (from 57% in 2016 to 86% in 2017).
The Most Implemented Programming Languages
Java is the most popular programming language when it comes to testing automation with a total of 45%. It is followed by JavaScript (18%), C# (23%) and Python (11%).
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