Tuesday 26 June 2018

Introducing Automation in Traditional Software Testing Best Practices

Test automation services and tools are very hyped by our software testing and QA industry. They are an integral part of our business application development lifecycle. With automation testing becoming an indispensable part of our software testing life cycle (STLC), various people are involved in the cycle.

Let’s have innovation in automation with our old-school software testing best practices to add value to our software.

1. Software Requirement Specification Phase

While preparing this document of SRS, the scope of activities can introduce test automation opportunities. Here, one more document can be prepared for the internal purpose to list down the various test cases that can be tested using automation testing for a software being developed.

2. Testing Criteria For Entry-Exit Points

Learn your software application being tested effectively. Here, we take care of when and how the testing of a specific testing phase will start and end. This will help you out to decide which automation testing framework can be required for a particular testing stage.

3. Checking For Bugs

It is not important to ask the other members of a software development team to inspect the software application for bugs all the time, as they may skip testing a few scenarios as per the user’s requirements. Rather, we can require dedicated software testing, QA, and test automation teams by outsourcing your software testing processes to a leading software quality assurance companies.

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